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28th World Wide SketchCrawl (Part I)

Hi...! This is actually my first time joining this SketchCrawl thing and I'm so excited...! Well, as an intermezzo, the first time I know SketchCrawl is from a friend of mine, who once published his own artworks / drawings on his blog. Then soon I learn the concept of this event, and kinda into it.

For those of you who don't know what SketchCrawl is, it is like a medium for artists around the world to meet together on certain location / city and do the sketch together. Usually. they will meetup on certain spot, then they will start sketching on the environment, landmarks, buildings, any kinds of object found there. For this 28th World Wide SketchCrawl, I opened a thread based on my location (coincidentally, I live in Jakarta), and ask other fellow artists to join me to do sketch together. Finally, after we meet and sketch together, we upload each of our own sketches / artworks then share them online with other people who do the exact same thing in another city / country.

So, here are my results for the 28th World Wide SketchCrawl:

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